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- No Parabens
- No Phthalates
- Ideal For Healthy Skin - pH 5.5
- Quality through Research
- Alkali-Free for Mild yet Intensive Hydration
- Rapidly Absorbed, Non-Irritating
- With Natural Chamomile and Allantoin
- Same pH as Healthy Skin - 5.5
- Dermatologist Recommended
- The Best Protection from the First Day
- Dye-Free
- Nearly 100% Biodegradable
- Cruelty Free
Ultra-mild sebamed Baby Lotion supports the natural moisture balance of a baby's delicate skin for healthy, huggable softness. Ideal for even the most sensitive baby skin, this light, non-greasy moisturizing formula is rapidly absorbed to thoroughly hydrate, while chamomile extract and allantoin naturally soothe.
Sebamed pH 5.5 - The Science behind Healthy Skin
All baby sebamed products are meticulously formulated to naturally protect a baby's delicate skin. A newborn's skin lacks the natural hydrolipid protective barrier which is established during the first few months of life. Every sebamed product has a pH balance of exactly 5.5 - precisely the pH required to support this barrier. Any other pH level, such as found in soap, may leave your baby's skin susceptible to break-down and irritation. Discover what 150 clinical studies have already proven - pH 5.5 is vital for healthy skin.
Sebamed USA, 嬰兒潤膚乳,6.8液量盎司(200毫升)

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